
Showing posts from July, 2017

SERMON: Faith in the Only Savior | Mark 5:21–43

Faith in the Only Savior | Mark 5:21–43 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 23 July, 2017 Both of these accounts come back to faith in Christ’s words, even when all evidence points to the contrary.  The faith looks different depending on context, but it always has Christ as its object.  As such, we are seeing how true faith in the Savior operates.  We’ll see faith in the Savior amid the crowds, faith in the Savior amid uncleanness, faith in the Savior amid fear, and faith in the Savior amid death. Video: Audio: Sermon Notes Faith in the Only Savior | Mark 5:21–43 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 23 July, 2017 I.                Introduction Mark likes to interrupt stories into stories.  He did it ba...

SERMON: Out of Ashes | Mark 5:1–20

Out of Ashes | Mark 5:1–20 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 16 July, 2017 Thankfully, even though evil is around us, Jesus came “to destroy the works of the devil” (1 Jn 3:8).  This evening, we’re going to notice 1.) the destruction wrought from evil (vv. 1–5), 2.) the deliverance by Christ from evil (vv. 6–13), 3.) the depravity resulting from evil (vv. 14–17), and 4.) duty of the delivered from evil (vv. 18–20). Video: Audio: Sermon Notes Out of Ashes | Mark 5:1–20 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 16 July, 2017 I.                Introduction In his book, The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis famously said, “There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their...

SERMON: What Manner of Man is This? | Mark 4:35–41

What Manner of Man is This? | Mark 4:35–41 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 9 July, 2017 How we answer the question of Who Jesus is will change how we respond to the storms of life.   As our example this evening, we are going to look at the disciples before the might of the storm (vv. 35–38), and then the disciples before the might of the Lord (vv. 39–41). Video: Audio: Sermon Notes What Manner of Man is This? | Mark 4:35–41 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 9 July, 2017 I.                Introduction We approach a passage that has been the subject of countless sermons.  The calming of the storm is a favorite for topical preachers, because it seems to deliver up a simple message: When you’re going through a...

My Personal List of Warning Signs of a Bad Church

Churches come in all shapes and sizes, and the Bible grants them a great deal of flexibility.  Even so, after some 30+ years of attending churches good and bad, I've started to notice patterns in the bad ones.  I've started jotting them down, and I'll add to this post as I see more. So, if I'm traveling on the Lord's Day, here are signs that say to me, "Stay away." ( OBLIGATORY NOTE*:  These are not definitive evidences of bad churches, as some good churches undoubtedly have one or more of these characteristics.  I'm also not saying that I automatically wouldn't attend a church with one or more of these, my pet peeves put aside. And, before you ask, yes, these are all drawn from real examples of bad churches.) Churches with one-word names (definite articles and “church” notwithstanding) Ex. “Journey”; “The Light”; “Real Church”; “Elevation Church” Churches with more than five-word names Ex. “New Apostolic Church of Pentecostal Miracle Deliver...

SERMON: Women in Ministry | Various Texts

Women in Ministry | Various Texts Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 2 July, 2017 My proposition to you isn’t that we should let the Bible lead, something I think everyone in this room already believes.  In fact, I imagine that the Bible is so clear that you will agree with about 90% of what I have to say.  My proposition is that the Bible gives us clear guidance on this issue—that is that ordained men should lead in church services, start to finish.   Video: Audio: Sermon Notes Women in Ministry | Various Texts Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 2 July, 2017 I.                Introduction The message this evening comes from a series of related questions that many people in the congregation have been ask...