SERMON: The Sinful Results of Ignoring God | Mark 6:14–19
The Sinful Results of Ignoring God | Mark 6:14–29 Shaun Marksbury | Quacco Baptist Church Sunday Evening Service | 13 August, 2017 We’re seeing what ignoring the Word of God allows in a person’s sin nature. Herod’s sin led to irrationality and fault (vv. 14–16), inconsistency of faith (vv. 17–20), enticements of flesh (vv. 21–25), and iniquity and futility (vv. 26–29). Video: Audio: Sermon Notes I. Introduction This is the only section in Mark that does not focus on Jesus Christ. You will remember that John the Baptist is the forerunner to Christ, and commentaries point out here that John is also a type of Christ. John preached repentance, like Christ. And like Christ, John the Baptist faces persecution and death for it. That’s because this ...