Faculty Lectures: Homosexuals and Penal Substitution

What a title mishmash!

Well, let me start here. Currently, The Master's Seminary is running the annual Faculty Lecture Series during the chapel services. These lectures serve as precursors to the Fall edition of the The Master's Seminary Journal.

For example, the lecture series last year was on the topic of homosexuality:

Date Title

2/14/08 Biblical Response to Homosexuality Download
Alex Montoya
Selected Scriptures
The Truth About Homosexuality
2/12/08 Parenting and Homosexuality Download
Dr. Rick Holland
Selected Scriptures
The Truth About Homosexuality
2/7/08 Marriage and Homosexuality Download
Dr. Irv Busenitz
Selected Scriptures
The Truth About Homosexuality
2/5/08 Cultural and Medical Myths about Homosexuality Download
Dr. Michael Grisanti
Selected Scriptures
The Truth About Homosexuality
1/29/08 The Bible on Sexuality and Homosexuality Download
Dr. John MacArthur
Selected Scriptures
The Truth About Homosexuality

That series was followed up by the Fall 2008 journal topic, "The Truth About
Homosexuality." Though these articles are not available for free online at this time, you can obtain a subscription for you, your church, or your school.

This year, the topic is on the doctrine of penal substitution. Why? Because this historic doctrine is currently under attack. I'll post links as they become available.
Maybe I'll even "live" blog, but I'll have to think about that. Thursday, Hebrew scholar Dr. Bill Barrick led us through the OT view of penal substitution. Here is a quote that stood out to me:
"There are over 600 references to God's wrath in the Old Testament, using twelve Hebrew terms to describe it."
He listed twelve principles regarding OT sacrifices:
  1. Only believers should offer sacrifices—believers who should be indoctrinated and obedient (i.e., exhibiting right teaching and right behavior).
  2. Should be the outward demonstration of a vital faith.
  3. Do not save from sin nor forgive sins.
  4. Do not take care of every sinespecially willful, defiant sin.
  5. Have fellowship with God as their chief object. They outwardly symbolize forgiveness for sins, which results in continued communion with the covenant-keeping God of Israel.
  6. Declare, emphasize, and magnify sin and its consequences.
  7. Declare, emphasize, and magnify God's holiness, righteousness, love, grace, mercy, and sovereignty.
  8. Demonstrate that there is no totally independent access to God for OT the believer under the Mosaic legislation.
  9. Demonstrate that God's desire with regard to the giving of His people does not exceed their normal ability.
  10. Emphasize the ministry of the priesthood.
  11. Involve the recognition of God's covenant with His people.
  12. For the maintenance of the priesthood.

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