Jan/Feb 9Marks EJournal: There's something about libs

If you haven't done so yet, check out the current ejournal from 9Marks.

January/February 2010, Volume 7, Issue 1 PDF Icon

Also, it's available in good 'ol fashioned HTML, pasted below.  (See source page for editor's note, upcoming events, and other important 9Marks material.)

How to Become a Liberal Without Attending Harvard Divinity School
What kind of pastor is susceptible to liberalism? One who loves self, and even the sheep, more than he loves the Good Shepherd. 
By Michael Lawrence

The Real Scandal of the Evangelical Mind
Why do evangelical academics so crave worldly acceptance?
By Carl Trueman
Air Conditioning Hell: How Liberalism Happens
Liberalism happens when we try to save Christianity from itself.
By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Neo-Liberal Stealth Offensive 
The gospel's most dangerous adversaries are not raving atheists. They are church leaders with gentle, friendly, pious demeanors.
By Phil Johnson

What's Happening to InterVarsity?
A long-term InterVarsity vet takes a hard look at some disturbing trends in this historically faithful campus ministry.  
By J. Mack Stiles

Is the God of the Missional Gospel Too Small?
When we say that a gospel that addresses systemic injustice is "bigger" than a gospel of "sin management," what are we saying about the worth of God's glory?
By Jonathan Leeman
What Would Athanasius Do: Is The Great Tradition Enough?
Is this new rallying point for Christian unity all it's made out to be? Not if you want to preserve the gospel.
By Greg Gilbert

Notes from the Future: Evangelical Liberalism in the UK
Want a sneak peek at the future of evangelicalism? Then listen in as a British brother takes a look at the past and present of liberalism in the UK. 
By Mike Ovey

Social Gospel Redux?
Are some evangelicals preaching a renewed social gospel? 
By Russell D. Moore

What Can We Learn from the History of Liberalism?
Historic liberalism was a response—the wrong one—to Christianity's credibility crisis.
By Gregory A. Wills

Who Exactly Are the Evangelicals?
Is an evangelical simply "anyone who likes Billy Graham," as one historian put it?
By Michael Horton
More Than a Feeling: The Emotions and Christian Devotion
Casting an eye toward recent evangelical history, Darryl Hart suggests that a wrong emphasis on emotions has been—and can still be—a path to liberalism. 
By D. G. Hart

Evangelism and Social Action: A Tale of Two Trajectories
What do twentieth century ecumenism and twenty-first century evangelicalism have in common? More than you might think.
By Bobby Jamieson

Book Review: The Rabbit and the Elephant: Why Small Is the New Big for Today's Church, by Tony and Felicity Dale and George Barna
Reviewed by Aaron Menikoff

Book Review: Why Join a Small Church?, by John Benton
Reviewed by Aaron Menikoff


The Story of Matt with Matt Chandler
Posted on January 1, 2010
A note from Mark Dever: "This past August, Matt shared an hour with us to talk about his ministry. In light of what has happened to Matt in recent days, we contacted him about publishing this interview. He said he was very happy for us to present it, and that he was continuing to trust in God for the future.  As you listen to this interview, thank God for our brother and pray for him."

Pastoral Ministry and Training with Phillip Jensen
Posted on December 1, 2009
Phillip Jensen attacks evangelical assumptions about ministry training, spiritual gifts, and more.

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