Sunday Notes: The Descent, Part 3 (The Flood, continued)

Part 1 can be found here.  And here is Part 2.

And here is Part 3:

hen we look at relief maps of the oceans, they tell us of the home many of these flood waters found.  Water sloshed across continents, sliding into the present oceans and dug deep.  It would have taken quite some time for the continents to dry, and perhaps this massive runoff had something to do with the slowing of plates, leaving behind rivers, formations, and even earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamies, to as a result of the catastrophe.  Perhaps the change in the positions of the continents, opening the Atlantic Ocean, also opened the heavens to the fierce hurricanes that can form there.  More on that in just a minute.

Some might ask about those horizontal stratas in the first picture of the Grand Canyon.  Don't those take millions of years to deposit?  Sure, at current rates, we can see a single line forming slowly, and project what untold millennia would shape for us.

However, water does the same thing in a short amount of time.  Just think about those sand toys with the sediments trapped behind glass with water.  Flip them over and presto! - a million years in the palm of your hand.

Mudflows (such as some form of pyroclasticsm) could also create such strata over a relatively short amount of time.  When Mount Saint Helen's exploded in 1980, it gave many of us yet-ignorant of catastrophism a clue.  The resulting horizontal strata was created in a period considerably less than a billion years.  Of course, it is not exactly the same, but it does give us a decent scale for understanding what can result from a little bit of destruction.

The question for the naturalist (one who believes the geology we see is unaffected by supernatural interventions, such as the flood) is how we can have folded, curved, or otherwise distorted strata without signs of cracking, erosion between the beds, turbids, etc.?

The landscape is full of features that were the result of the flood.  It is unfortunate that entire generations have been hoodwinked -- there have always been Christian geologists who taught the flood, but those who don't love the Truth latched onto Charles Darwin's explanation of geological features.

Let us consider one more feature of nature that reminds us of the flood.  And since we talked about Helen blowing her top, let's continue there by talking about the trees that adorned her.  Many of them landed in Spirit Lake, creating the largest log-raft ever.  They trees were a mess -- their branches sheered off, their roots torn from their trunks, they looked more like the work of a recent logging excursion.

Crews worked to retrieve the trees, but many simply became waterlogged.  Vertically they stood once more, and sinking to the bottom they planting themselves in the mud.  Of course, the remaining roots weighted the one side of the trunk, meaning they planted themselves upright in the lake bed... giving a ghostly reminder of the forest they once formed.

Now, Boo Boo, let's move eastward to consider Jellystone Yellowstone National Park and its Specimen Ridge.  The fossil forest there, petrified trees, represent millions of years of growth, according to the plaque.  Volcanoes helped bury some of these trees, the plaque continues.

Limbless with stunted roots, these wooden rocks are ghosts of the trees they once were.  Familiar, no?

Those that still stand on the slope of the ridge and those that have long since fallen are silent testimonies to the flood. According to Dr. David Phillipps, paleoanthropologist at TMC who studied the petrified forest for years, Yellowstone is evidence of states-wide mudflow that transported trees to their present location.  They were directionally-oriented, as though being swept there by mud flows.

The Discovery Channel even had a program featuring him, setting him alongside an evolutionary scientist to try to explain what happened at Yellowstone.  Of course, the evolutionist was given the final word, and even admitted that it appeared that a flood could be the cause of the petrified forest.  Quickly now, it was a local flood however.


Petrification and fossilization can happen quickly.  How else does one fossilize something, like invertebrate flesh, before it rots?  The fossils we find are fascinating, too.  Often, they are in great piles, like logs jamming in the stream, with mud pouring over them at tremendous rates.

The mountains rose up, and the valleys sank down.

Dramatic Reminders to Us
The world which once was is legend.  It is buried, much of it even being pulled into the hot mantel of the earth (if catastrophic plate tectonics is true).  Indeed, so dramatic was the change that there is an immediate and drastic decline in the average age humans lived to be, according to the numbers Scripture gives us.  What's more, we know that some plants and animals were once much larger -- the benefits giving them such an advantage being apparently absent today.
In young-age geology, the earthquakes and volcanoes of the present are largely residual effects of the Flood, meaning that the earth is still reeling from the effects of the Flood. The natural geological disasters we hear about from time to time are direct results of this … a consequence of divine judgment on sin.” —Wise, Faith, Form, and Time, 212.
Did God create natural disasters?  Did He say, "Okay Adam, tend the garden.  Oh, and I forgot to mention.  I'm throwing in a few earthquakes to shake things up a bit.  They're just a bit of fun, but watch out, all the same."  If the flood is true, earthquakes and probably even volcanoes, hurricanes, etc. are the result.  They are dramatic reminders.

To be continued.  The last part, I promise!

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