Mormonism in six minutes

Here is a brief informational cartoon on LDS doctrine.  My cautions before you watch are this: it is not "pro" Mormon in tone, and it looks to be circa 1970's "Super Friends" style, so... some "official" teachings have adjusted since then.  Nonetheless, this will be helpful for those who want the bird's-eye view.

Here is the data the poster of this video provided. (I have not yet verified each source, but feel free to post your comments below.)
Mormons have been complaining that these are not taught by their religion, but a source of this video provided references to mormon literature for every claim made int he vid:
0:20 - 0:45 King Follett Discourse (History of the Church Vol 6 pg 302-317)
0:54 - 1:00 abraham 3
1:03 - 2:20 Gospel Principles Ch2-3
2:20 - 2:35 Official Statment by 1st presidency 08/17/49 and 08/17/51 and Joseph Fielding Smith in Doctrines of Salvation 1:65-66 2nd Nephi 5:21
2:38 - Gospel Princ Manual Ch3
2:40 - Pre 1982 2Nephi 30:6
2:44 - no longer taught he said early mormon profits... Brigham young journal of discourses vol 1 pg 50-51 and Wilford Woodruffs journal
3:20 - The seer pg 172, brigham young journal of discourses vol 1 p 346 orson hyde journal journal of discourses, vol 2 p 210
3:28 - D&C 113 and Isa 11
3:32 - Journal of Discourses 13:309
3:41 - 3Nephi
4:03 - 4 Nephi, Moroni
4:20 - 4:30 Moroni 10
4:37 - 4:50 State of NY VS Joseph Smith "The Glass Looker" other Court Documents
4:43 - 4:50 1826-1830 convicted of fraud, admitted "peepstoning" was fake.
5:01 - Joe Smith History 1:19
5:16 - 5:21 Howard W hunter "your temple recommend" New Era Apr 1995, 6
5:22 Russell M Nelson "SPirit of Elijah" Ensign Nov 1994, 84 and D&C 128, 138:33
5:27 - D&C 132:17-20
5:36 - Robert L Millet, "Joseph smith among the prophets" Ensign Jun 1994, 19
5:49 - :52 D&C 132
6:03 - Hist of the Church Vol pg 408-412
6:12 - He died in a shootout

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