I'm happy to say that the last function requiring me to place a noose around my neck has come and gone. Here's to a tie-free summer!
RE: "Pastor Dayna Muldoon EXPOSED"
It enough to make your heart ache. "Pastor" Dayna Muldoon has been pitching her tent in Florida, and like Todd Bentley before , false claims to miracles, healing, and prophecies litter her campsites. This video of a Calvary Chapel pastor exposing her as a false prophet has been appearing in various places, and its been uploaded to YouTube multiple times. Even Todd Friel got animated about this , and nothing gets him hyper. Here's the deal: Muldoon set up her tent-meetings right down the road from Calvary Chapel St. Petersburg , peeking the interests of many attending the church. When they listened to the message she presented, however, they found it not to be the Gospel, but instead the typical narcissistic message of health and blessings from God. This is coming from a Calvary Chapel crew, folks that are typically non-cessationists themselves. Many churches, including this particular Calvary Chapel , host after-glow services where one ex...