Cisco employee fired for being a Christian

Frank Turek's is another story of how lip service to diversity of opinion really means "believe what we believe OR ELSE."

From AFA:

I urge you today to take a moment and let the decision makers at Cisco hear from you. If we don't start to speak up and fight back we are going to continue to lose and one day soon it will be illegal to preach against homosexuality from the pulpit. That day is coming. Frank was treated unjustly and unfairly (fired) just because he held traditional views on marriage. 
TAKE ACTION and send this Action Alert to as many people as you can. Frank's story can serve a great purpose if we can get it across the country. 
Send an email to Cisco and send this Action Alert to as many people as you can. Frank's story can serve a great purpose if we can get it across the country.

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