The History and Theology of Calvinism MP3 Lectures

The new school year has begun, but are your kids the only ones expanding their knowledge?  Here is an excellent series of lectures from Faith Bible Church of Springfield, IL (HT:, for those interested:

"The History and Theology of Calvinism"
by Dr. Curt Daniel (Downloadable MP3 Messages)
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What is Calvinism
Augustine and Pre-Calvinism
The Reformation
John Calvin
The Spread of Calvinism
The Synod of Dort
The Puritans
The Westminster Assembly
Covenant Theology
High Calvinism
Calvinistic Antinomianism
18th Century Calvinism
Jonathan Edwards and New England Calvinism
The Princeton Theology
19th Century Calvinism - North-South
Calvinistic Baptists
Dutch Calvinism
Calvinistic Philosophy
The Theonomy Movement
20th Century British Calvinism
20th Century American Calvinism
The Sovereignty of God
Objections to Predestination
The Providence of God
The Will of God
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility
Prayer and the Sovereignty of God
The Glory of God
The Origin of Sin
Providence and the Problem of Evil
Original Sin
Total Depravity
The Bondage of the Will
Total Depravity and Human Responsibility
Unconditional Election
The Election of Grace
Election and Foreknowledge
Election in Christ
Objections to Election
The Destiny of the Elect
Practical Implications of the Doctrine of Election
The Doctrine of Reprobation
The Hardening of the Reprobate
The Desinty of the Reprobate
Relation of Election and Reprobation
The Order of the Decrees
The Election of Angels
The Election of Dying Infants
The Destiny of the Unevangelized
The Covenant of Redemption
The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ
The Extent of the Atonement
Limited Atonement
Objections to Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
The New Birth
The Gift of Faith
The Order of Salvation
Common Grace
Preservation of the Saints - part 1
Preservation of the Saints - part 2
Objections to Eternal Security
The Reformed Doctrine of Scripture
The Two Natures of Christ
The Reformed Doctrine of the Church
The Reformed Doctrine of Communion
Reformed Evangelism
Practical Implications of Calvinism
The Future of Calvinism
An Introduction to Calvinism

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