Memorizing Exodus
From the TMS ordination prep notes:
THEME: Redemption and Deliverance of Israel
I. Israel in Egypt (1 ‑ 13)
II. Israel in the Wilderness (14 ‑ 18)
III. Israel at Sinai (19 ‑ 40)
THEME: Redemption and Deliverance of Israel
I. Israel in Egypt (1 ‑ 13)
II. Israel in the Wilderness (14 ‑ 18)
III. Israel at Sinai (19 ‑ 40)
- 3-4 Call of Moses
- 7-11 Ten plagues
- 12 Passover
- 14 Red Sea
- 18 Jethro and delegated authority
- 20 Ten Commandments
- 32 Golden Calf
- 40 Tabernacle completed
- 3:13‑15 "I AM WHO I AM" This is My name forever . . . to all generations.
- 4:11 "Who has made man's mouth . . . or dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I the LORD?"
- 19:5‑6 "If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, . . . you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation."
- 20:1‑17 The Ten Commandments
- 21:22‑24 Life in the womb; "eye for an eye" ‑ the Lex Taliones
- 34:6-8 God’s autobiography
- Aaron ‑ Moses' spokesman and brother, first high priest.
- Jethro - Moses' father-in-law
- Miriam ‑ Moses' sister, a prophetess, led women in worship (15:20‑21)
- Moses ‑ Prophet of the highest order, Lawgiver, deliverer of Israel. Author of the Pentateuch.
- Zipporah - Moses' wife