The Journal of Biblical Counseling is back!

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Current Issue (as of this posting):

Volume 26 | Number 1

Featured Articles

David Powlison

In the opening editorial, “JBC: Renewing our Mission,” Senior Editor David Powlison reintroduces theJournal of Biblical Counseling after its four year hiatus. Powlison offers a fruitful way to frame what readers will encounter in the Journal by sharing why we are doing what we do, our core commitments, and what we aim to accomplish.

Page count: 9
Mike Emlet

Michael Emlet’s “Listening to Prozac…and to the Scriptures” updates the answer to a perennial question. What is the relationship between biblical counseling and the use of psychoactive medications? Historically, biblical counselors have sought to walk what Emlet calls the “wisdom tight-rope,” not acquiescing to claims of medical panacea but also not denying that medications can sometimes serve as a helpful adjunct to primary pastoral care. Emlet articulates this tight-rope in a fresh way. He invites us to humility, caution and balance about medicines—while asserting strong convictions about the cure of souls found in Jesus Christ.

Page count: 12
David Powlison

David Powlison’s “The Pastor as Counselor” casts a vision for how counseling operates as one primary aspect of ministry. This article is written to pastors—but it is for anyone interested in counseling. Pastoral counseling is distinctively and refreshingly different from popular understandings of what “counselors” and “counseling” are all about. That difference has many implications for how all Christians should think about counseling.

Page count: 17

Counselor's Toolbox

Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe walks through how to use an information gathering tool that will help you work with children. Counselors who expect those they counsel to be able to talk about what they are going through can unwittingly misfire with children. “Seeing Relationships through the Eyes of a Child” seeks to remedy a common failure.

Page count: 6

Lives in Process

David Powlison

These personal stories recount how change occurs as the Word of God impacts people's lives.

Page count: 1

This Lives in Process piece follows the journey of a woman willing to wrestle with her own desire for self-glory for the sake of seeking the Lord’s glory.

Page count: 4
Chris Carter

This Lives in Process piece illustrates the discipleship process in the life of a young man who is growing in Christ-like love for his wife.

Page count: 3

Book Reviews

Winston Smith

Winston Smith evaluates a book on Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is one of the new third-generation behavioral therapies. The first generation was about behavior and reinforcement and the second, arising in the 1960s, added cognition and stoic philosophy. This newest generation adds emotions to the picture, and considers people in relationship rather than in stoic isolation. Smith assesses both the provocative strengths and the underlying shortcomings of EFT.

Page count: 3
Ed Welch

Hurry Down Sunshine is a father’s memoir of his daughter’s disintegration into mania. Ed Welch explores how a story, whatever its underlying presuppositions, can inform us. This story in particular can help us to better understand a profound human struggle. It challenges us to more clearly demonstrate how a biblical worldview engages phenomena not found in the pages of the Bible.

Page count: 2
Julie Lowe

Julie Lowe reviews a book on how to identify sex offenders and set up effective barriers against predatory behavior. The subject matter is daunting. But the need for understanding and action is real. Sexual predation frequently occurs in churches and other 'safe' places, as this book discusses and as current events make plain.

Page count: 2

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