The Canon of the New Testament in Church History
Our current Tuesday offering is the "A Short Theology" series, and I hope you find it to be a simplified explanation of what God wants us to believe. In it, we just finished our first part: discussing the nature of the Bible. In case you've missed the recent posts, here they are:
This examination may lead some to wonder whether early Christians believed the same things about the Bible as we do. Where the early church fathers as certain about a knowable collection of Scripture as we are today? Is it possible that our beliefs about the Bible are more influenced by Luther and Calvin than by the Lord and His Apostles? EvangelZ at the Veritas Domain has finished an excellent series in this regard:
- A Short Theology, Part 1: Introduction to the Bible
- A Short Theology, Part 2: The Bible's Inspiration, Transmission, and Translation
- A Short Theology, Part 3: The Bible's Interpretation, Application, and Sufficiency
This examination may lead some to wonder whether early Christians believed the same things about the Bible as we do. Where the early church fathers as certain about a knowable collection of Scripture as we are today? Is it possible that our beliefs about the Bible are more influenced by Luther and Calvin than by the Lord and His Apostles? EvangelZ at the Veritas Domain has finished an excellent series in this regard:
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History: The Term Canon, Lesson 1
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History : Lesson 2
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History : The Early Circulation of the Writings, Lesson 3
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History: The Science of Paleography, Lesson 4
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History: The Collection of the Canoncial NT Writings, Lesson 5
- The Canon of the New Testament in Church History: The Views of the Early Church Fathers Regarding the Bible, Lesson 6, Conclusion