I'm ashamed to say it, but one of my first thoughts with the unveiling of the new pope was, "Hey, wasn't he supposed to be black?" And don't believe that to be such a strange thought. Prepare yourself for the prophecies popularized by the 2012 Thomas Horn and Cris Putnamthe book, Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here . In it, they explore the alleged prophecies of St. Malachy, a 12th-century Catholic bishop with a decent prediction rate concerning the 112 popes who would follow. Because Francis I represents the final pope of Malachy's prophecies, we should therefore expect the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church and the ascension of the Antichrist. In short, the book is psuedo-prophecies aimed at psuedo-spiritual, and Dave James at Herescope captures the reality of this book . While we can conjecture as to whether events are aligning to a biblically-prophetic scenario, it is but an educated guess, as only the Lord knows the day and the hour. T...