The Top 70 Hymns You Should Know

Dr. Paul Plew serves as the Director of Choral Activities and chairs the impressive music department at The Master's College.  He also leads worship at Santa Clarita Baptist Church.  His ability is outstripped only by his love for God, and he recommends the following songs for us.

If you find a song you don't know or would like to know more about its history, search it on Cyber Hymnal.

The Top 70 Hymns You Should Know
*Indicates Top 20 (in no particular order)
From the 2005 BIB363 Worship TMC class syllabus
  1. *Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 
  2. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
  3. *Praise to the Lord, the Almighty 
  4. *O Worship the King 
  5. *Immortal, Invisible 
  6. *A Mighty Fortress is Our God 
  7. *The God of Abraham Praise 
  8. Great is Thy Faithfulness 
  9. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah 
  10. *O God, Our Help in Ages Past 
  11. This is My Father’s World 
  12. I Sing the Mighty Power of God 
  13. *All Creatures of Our God and King 
  14. *O For a Thousand Tongues 
  15. Jesus the Very Thought of Thee 
  16. *May Jesus Christ Be Praised 
  17. *Fairest Lord Jesus 
  18. Our Great Savior 
  19. *All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name 
  20. Join All the Glorious Names 
  21. Of the Father’s Love Begotten 
  22. All Glory, Laud and Honor 
  23. What Wondrous Love is This 
  24. *O Sacred Head Now Wounded 
  25. *When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 
  26. Jesus Thy Blood and Righteousness 
  27. *And Can It Be? 
  28. *O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus 
  29. Christ the Lord is Risen Today 
  30. Jesus Lives, and So Shall I 
  31. Rejoice, the Lord is King 
  32. Jesus Shall Reign 
  33. Crown Him With Many Crowns 
  34. *Holy, Holy, Holy 
  35. Praise ye the Triune God 
  36. Come Thou Almighty King 
  37. O Word of God Incarnate 
  38. How Firm a Foundation 
  39. *The Church’s One Foundation 
  40. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken 
  41. I Love Thy Kingdom Lord 
  42. We Are God’s People 
  43. Rise Up, O Church of God 
  44. Lift High the Cross 
  45. Be Still, My Soul 
  46. My Jesus, I Love Thee 
  47. O Love That Will Not Let Me Go 
  48. *Be Thou My Vision 
  49. May the Mind of Christ My Savior 
  50. My Faith Has Found a Resting Place 
  51. I Know Whom I Have Believed 
  52. *Jesus, Priceless Treasure 
  53. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 
  54. Take Time to be Holy 
  55. A Charge to Keep I Have 
  56. Jesus Lover of My Soul 
  57. The King of Love My Shepherd Is 
  58. Soldiers of Christ, Arise 
  59. Am I a Soldier of the Cross? 
  60. Lead On, O King Eternal 
  61. I am His, and He is Mine 
  62. Like a River Glorious 
  63. When I Can Read My Title Clear 
  64. For All the Saints 
  65. Now Thank We All Our God 
  66. For the Beauty of the Earth 
  67. Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart 
  68. God of Our Fathers 
  69. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship 
  70. If You Will Only Let God Guide You

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