Identifying False Teachers

John MacArthur on Identifying False Teachers

"Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them." -- Romans 16:17, KJV

Identifying and confronting false teachers is extremely unpopular today. But Scripture calls Christians to discern truth from error, providing guidelines for identifying and dealing with those who try to corrupt Christ's church with false doctrine. John MacArthur elaborates on this in the following audio.

Governments recognize the necessity of protecting their citizens. The church should be even more vigilant against spiritual terrorists, especially in light of what's at stake—people's souls.

The Strange Fire conference will equip believers to spot false teachers and their destructive heresies. For more information about Strange Fire, please visit the conference website

In anticipation of the sold-out Truth Matters' Strange Fire Conference taking place October 16-18, 2013, we will be looking at each of the promo videos.  God bless!

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