
Showing posts from August, 2014

What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him: Session 1: Masculinity: Manhood is Knowing Where the Plunger Is

From the 2013 GCC Men's Conference: Download MP3 Download Notes Purchase the Book (Amazon)

10 Things I Learned When I Stopped Yelling At My Kids

How do you confront your kids' behavior issues? Do you address their sin or simply what annoys you? Yelling might be the key to knowing the answer... and that you might be in sin with your patenting. Well, here are some good lessons for parents to consider.   10 Things I Learned When I Stopped Yelling At My Kids HT: Wretched Radio

Review: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala My rating: 2 of 5 stars With recommendations from Drs. Joseph Stowell and Warren Wiersbe, it was a given that Jim Cymbala’s Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire would become a bestseller. Full of relatable stories of struggle with sin, this pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle writes this engaging work that will encourages readers to turn the sufficiency of self to trust in the power of prayer. Even so, this is not a book I recommend. First, irony opens the book: a man who wasn’t called to be a pastor treated water by gaining footing on bad ideas. His father-in-law “coaxed” him into pastoring (11); Cymbala had other interests and balked at the idea, noting his lack of experience, training, and desire to fill such a role. The call Cymbala answered, then, came from the guiling of one who then left this family in the lurch, to learn without discipleship or even occasional input. How did this self-described amateur survive such whimsy? He did so by coming ...

Theology Lectures (2 of 4), TMS

The good folks at the Master's Seminary want to see the Christ's church as biblically-oriented and God-honoring as possible. As such, they have been placing their class lectures online for free.  This act of love provides wonderful opportunities for discipleship, training, and review. This post highlights the second of four theology classes offered by the seminary (the first is here ). Here are a few questions these videos will help you answer: Who was Jesus of Nazareth? (Christology, the largest section) What claims did He make? Why did He come to earth and die? What false beliefs and heresies about Christ have arisen over the years? What prophecy points to Him? Who is the Holy Spirit? (Pnuematology) Or, should the question be what is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do? What does it mean to be indwelt by the Spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work through the Charismatic-type churches? What are angels and demons? (Angelology) Who is Satan, for th...