Who pours out the Holy Spirit?

John the Baptist said that the coming Messiah would baptize believers in the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8).  Peter, full of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, identifies Jesus as responsible for the pouring out the Spirit in Acts 2:33.  Similarly, Paul tells us that Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit on us for regeneration, renewal, and justification (Titus 3:5-7).

This idea comes from key Old Testament passages.  For instance, in Ezekiel 36:25–27, we read of the LORD sprinkling water on us, giving us a new heart, and placing the Holy Spirit within us.  In Joel 3:1ff, we read of the LORD pouring out the Holy Spirit.  The New Testament authors drew the appropriate connections.

So, the Old Testament clearly identifies God as the source of the Holy Spirit.  In the New, however, this act is performed by Christ.  Jesus is indeed Lord (1 Corinthains 12:3; Romans 10:9)

Perhaps this is why Nicodemus had trouble accepting what Christ was saying in John 3. Jesus does not simply come from God (v. 2), as Nicodemus suggested.  Speaking to this supposed expert in the Scripture, Jesus intimates that He is the God descending from heaven to pour out Ezekiel's water and Spirit (v. 5, 13).  Coupled with the rest of the New Testament, we see that is indeed the case.

Who is the God you worship?  Those who come to the Lord of Scripture find themselves washed, cleansed, and justified of their sins by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:11).  Do you place your trust in the one who baptizes you with the Holy Spirit?

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