John Piper v. Mark Driscoll on Intimacy [Content Caution]
John Piper posted a new Taste and See article (HT: Cent ), and if you keep up-to-date on the whole Mark Driscoll fiasco(es), you will find it interesting. The passage: 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. By contrast, consider the controversial Mark Driscoll message he delivered at Destiny Church in Edinburg, Scotland, during the Sunday morning service November 18, 2007. This was the sermon that reportedly made John MacArthur lose his appetite (and launch his own controversial response [ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ]). There are two lessons that jump to mind from Piper's presentation. Piper : "[This counsel] does not give either spouse the right to demand certain sexual acts from the other that he or she does not want to give. It is more complex than that. " Compare this to what Driscoll had to say based on the Song of Solomon: Driscoll : [Referring, from the pulpit, to oral stimulation] Jesus Christ commands you to do so. . . . And ladies, let me assure you of this. If you...