In memory of our son, Joshua Enoch: Your brother and your sisters shouted with glee Sighting those early glosses A little brother! Satisfied prayers from knees bent upon running future races When peace, like a river, attendeth our way With ease, we sing our souls are well Scarlet! Why have you appeared to us this day? Are you to announce a new farewell? Through the prayers of many, you strived and you thrived Until we thought you would survive Beat, oh, please sound, tell us our son is alive! Oh, dear heart, from us do be not rived! Dawn turns to dusk, and pains ebbing far too soon, Face so small, body so fragile, Oh, our child! Once fettered to life in womb, rest you now in mom’s hand so careful. Our son never to know sorrow or pain’s sting We grieve, but then smile and endure. For behold! Your joy, so wide, in heaven’s gain; God, rest us in this word made so sure. Our son grows and trusts a far better Fathe...