
Showing posts from November, 2011

We Look, and We Marvel

An excellent time-lapse video of the ISS flyover of our amazing Earth: Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS from Michael König on Vimeo . (HT: Reformation Theology )

Darwin's Deadly Legacy

Abortion is a slaughter of innocent souls that we could liken to the Holocaus t.  But what thinking fed the Nazi war machine in the first place?  Here is part of a video that explains at least one major diet of its ideology: Social Dawinism: (HT: Thinking in Christ ) Let's hope people of our day will turn from the idea that a fetus (Latin = "offspring"), particularly, the unwanted or unhealthy variety, is not a human being and therefore a justifiable mark for death.

Memorizing Exodus

From the TMS  ordination prep  notes: THEME : Redemption and Deliverance of Israel OUTLINE : I.   Israel in Egypt               (1 ‑ 13) II.  Israel in the Wilderness (14 ‑ 18) III. Israel at Sinai                 (19 ‑ 40) KEY CHAPTERS : 3-4 Call of Moses 7-11 Ten plagues 12 Passover 14 Red Sea 18 Jethro and delegated authority 20 Ten Commandments 32 Golden Calf 40 Tabernacle completed KEY PASSAGES : 3:13‑15 "I AM WHO I AM" This is My name forever . . . to all generations. 4:11 "Who has made man's mouth . . . or dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I the LORD?" 19:5‑6 "If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, . . . you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." 20:1‑17 The Ten Commandments 21:22‑24 Life in the womb; "eye for an eye" ‑ the Lex Taliones 34:6-8 God’s...

Wonderfully Made: Video (From Birth to Conception)

HT: Reformation Theology : "His Eternal Power and Divine Nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse (ἀναπολογήτους, without a rational defense, an answer, an apologetic)." - Romans 1:20

Preaching Relevantly

The popular guys—the ones with the mega-churches and cool TV broadcasts—are not usually the best examples of biblical preaching.  Erik Raymond, aka “Ordinary Pastor,” gives us his recent encounter : I was recently in for a doctor’s visit and was attempting to turn our time of chit-chat into gospel-chat. As I made my move the Dr was receptive. When I told him I am a pastor he smiled and asked, “Where do you guys get the topics for your sermons?” Without thinking I gave what I think was a great answer, “The Bible.” He smiled and said, “I guess I walked into that one.” But as we talked he gave the data behind his question. He told me that his impression of preaching these days is that the pastor reads the newspaper, watches the news or TV and then comments on it. I asked the guy what he thought about that. He went on to say that it was pretty lame. He said that he follows the news and culture pretty closely and that the pastoral commentary on it leaves something to be desired. T...

FF: Isn’t It Romantic?

HT: Kevin DeYoung : One of the best scenes from The Cosby Show . The husbands have seceretly made a bet to see who can give their wives the most romantic gift for under $25. The wives find out about the bet are a committed to being unmoved and unimpressed with their gifts. Enjoy… [The splice feature may not work on your mobile device, in which case skip ahead to 5:20.]

Amazing Grace, my song of praise

I don’t know why, but this seemed appropriate to post on Thanksgiving.  I’m not endorsing a candidate, but this video is an excellent reminder of what we should be most thankful for today… and it is not from a political figure who seems to just uses “God-language” for votes.  Give it a listen: Herman Cain sings about God’s Amazing Grace. “He Looked Beyond My Faults” Lyrics: Amazing Grace..Will always be my song of praise. For it was grace, that brought me liberty, I do not know, just why He came to love me so. He looked beyond my faults and saw my need. I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary, To view the cross, where Jesus died for me How marvelous, His grace that caught my falling soul He Looked beyond my faults and saw my need. I shall forever lift mine eyes to Calvary, To view the cross, where Jesus died for me How marvelous, His grace that caught my falling soul He Looked beyond my faults and saw my needs, He Looked beyond my faults and saw my needs. Romans 5:8-10 s...

Washington’s 1789 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

Wallbuilders has the following posted on their site that I thought would be appropriate: This is the text of George Washington's October 3, 1789 national Thanksgiving Proclamation; as printed in The Providence Gazette and Country Journal , on October 17, 1789. By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness." Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November n...

Memorizing Genesis

From the TMS  ordination prep  notes: THEME : Beginnings/Covenants/Generations Genesis describes the origin of the human race, the introduction of sin into the world, the confusion of languages, and the Divine choice of Israel based on promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. OUTLINE : Primeval History FOUR EVENTS (1‑11) KEY CHAPTERS: Patriarchal History FOUR PEOPLE (12–50) 1 Creation (broad perspective) 2 Creation (focus on man) 3 Temptation, Fall, Curses 4 Cain & Abel, Cain's line ‑‑ civilization 6‑8 Flood: deliverance in the Ark 9 Noahic covenant, curse of Canaan KEY PASSAGES: 11 Babel: dispersion of nations 12 Abrahamic covenant established 18‑19 Sodom & Gomorrah 22 Isaac is offered up 32 Jacob wrestles w/God 37 Joseph is sold by his brothers 49 Jacob blesses his sons 1:26-27 6th day of creation, man created in God’s image 1:31 Creation is declared "very good." 2:24 A man shall leave, cleave, and weave 3:15 The promised ...

Gay weddings coming to ALL states? Senate voting on repeal of 'one man, one woman' marriage

Another one for you: Late last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and force states to recognize same-sex marriages from other states. If passed, the so-called "Respect for Marriage Act" ( S. 598 ) will repeal DOMA and give federal recognition to two homosexuals who wish to be "married." S. 598 shows anything but respect for the sanctity of marriage. Urge your Senators can stop this bill! The repercussions are enormous: • States laws protecting marriage as between "one man, one woman" will become null and void - including the 31 states who have voted on constitutional amendments. • The military will be thrown into complete chaos and disarray , as Department of Defense leaders try to figure out housing, benefits, and "same-sex spouse" sensitivity training regimens. • Churches will come under fire from radical homosexual activists. Ministers and churches will be sued for "religious di...

An Important Case

I try to be sparing when making political commentary on this blog, so here’s someone else’s. :) Please note the following message and consider signing the petition: ________________________________________ The U.S. Supreme Court has just agreed to review and decide the constitutionality of ObamaCare – the pro-abortion health care law enacted against the clear will of the American people. The Supreme Court will now decide once and for all whether this law, which is an unprecedented expansion of government power and uses our tax dollars for the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade. The ACLJ is representing more than 100 Members of Congress filing a critical amicus brief to the Supreme Court, challenging this unconstitutional law. This is the decisive moment; we need you to act now. Sign on to our brief to the Supreme Court to reject ObamaCare and declare it unconstitutional. Your voice is critically important in this fight. This truly is a decisive moment in history whe...

Penn State: Two Considerations (PG-13)

Prayer journals out: Few sins are still reprehensible in this postmodern world, but child predation remains one of those.  If you have not, consider this as an opportunity to share the gospel with people who might think of sin as only deviations from the norm rather than offenses against a Holy God. While there is a small but growing number of people who are trying to give scientific backing to the notion that pedophilia is natural, thankfully, most reject it out of hand. And with prayer journals still out: Here is another excellent consideration from Peter LaBarbera of AFTAH , written in the Christian News Wire on Nov. 10: LaBarbera: How Many Boy Victims of Penn State Homosexual Predator Jerry Sandusky Will End Up Thinking They are 'Gay'? Contact: Peter LaBarbera, Americans For Truth , 630-546-4439, CHICAGO, Nov. 10, 2011 / Christian Newswire / -- The discovery that former Penn State University defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky has been...

Never forget


To Veterans: I. O. U.


FF: Beaming Up the Goodness

A commercial trifecta for you… Star Trek style. Spot-on lookalikes. Don’t know when this aired. 2009 Promotion for the new movie, which, oddly enough, had no Klingons. Yo quiero, this aired on local Chicago TV on Sunday, June 10th 1984.