Welcome to California public schools.. it's the new year
I've never been one who believes that there is a biblical requirement to home-school, though we have chosen that route and I teach classes for home-school students. However, there is certainly plenty of cause to consider alternatives to public education. And if there weren't enough before, welcome to 2012. To start, here is a news story on gender "diversity" education out of Oakland, CA. As part of its anit-bullying policy, the Redwood Heights Elementary School is teaching kids that like in the animal kingdom, "you can be a boy or a girl, or both," that gender is more of a "spectrum" than an either-or proposition. Read the Chalcedon report for more info on this particular trend (HT: American Vision News ). No word on how schools plan to keep teenage boys who lie about "feeling like a girl" out of the girls' locker room. At least one might say that discussion in the video seemed relatively "clean," if not als...